Max contact me about photographing him and Aly as he proposed and I absolutely wanted to! I love photographing proposals and especially for couples as sweet as these two!
We worked out the details through text messages and Aly was completely surprised. It was both of their birthdays coming up and Aly was wearing her new birthday dress (bridal white!) as Max invited her to go walk their dog Franklin down by the San Clemente Pier.
She had NO IDEA!!
I hid in the parking lot near by with my long telephoto lens and waited like a photo ninja until they got there. Once I saw them walking by and quickly snapped pictures as everything unfolded.
After she said “Yes!” with tears in hear eyes, I popped out from behind the cars and got a few more pics. I then excused myself to “give them a few moments together” and quickly headed over to the house where all their friends and family were waiting to surprise them. They had champagne cheers and bubble guns waiting for them when they arrived. Such a beautiful celebration of love and so happy to document this day for them.